The Treatment


A visit to your Myopractor is always a rewarding experience. The Myopractor is there to help you regain wellness and vitality.

Your initial visit includes a thorough assessment by your Myopractor. This includes previous medical history, history of accidents or injuries and other relevant details.

The next step is perhaps the most important in your treatment – the postural assessment. This provides your Myopractor with valuable information about the probable causes of your condition. Your Myopractor will take time to discuss this with you so that you have a clear understanding of your condition and its causes. A treatment plan will also be discussed with you.


The number of follow – up visits depends on may factors, but most people find fast relief from their problems with Myopractic. It is rare for there to be no discernable difference after three treatments.

Follow – up visits are initially scheduled weekly. More chronic conditions will warrant treatment over a longer period, and the frequency of visits diminishes with time.


The majority of people’s physical aches and pains stem from distorted posture arising from dysfunctional body parts. This in turn forces the body to make lots of ill-fated adjustments. Postural assessment plays a vital role in Myopractic treatment. It allows the Myopractor to identify the root cause of your problems.

In a sense, the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the body act as ‘guy ropes’ or ‘strainers’ for the skeleton. When they become overly contracted, they pull on the done where they are attached, causing a misalignment in that area. This can have a ‘domino effect’ throughout the body, causing further distortions.

The postural distortions may, in turn, limit nerve supply to the various organs and systems of the body, causing further ill-health.